Professor Anthony G. Reddie


My scholarship in Black theology has been Informed by my doctorate in Education and Practical theology, undertaken at the University of Birmingham with Professor John Hull. This has given me an Interdisciplinary method to the subject that Is somewhat different from the more classical, systematic approaches to Black theology used by my many peers in the United States. My consistent research Interest has been the interface between Black theology and decolonial/transformative education as a means of conscientization and empowerment. I am the author of numerous books, articles, and book chapters. 

My more recent books Include Theologising Brexit: A Liberationist and Postcolonial Critique (Routledge, 2010), and the republished Is God Colour-Blind? Insights from Black Theology for Christian Faith and Ministry (SPCK, 2020) and Intercultural Preaching [co-edited with Seidel Abel Boargenes and Pamela Searle], (Regent’s Park College, 2021).

I am an A rated, Leading International Researcher with the South African National Research Foundation (NRF). I am also a recipient of the Archbishop of Canterbury's 2020 Lanfranc Award for 'exceptional and sustained contribution to Black theology In Britain and beyond.'

Research Area(s): 

Historical and Systematic Theology

Research Interests:

Black theology, all theologies of liberation, Practical theology, Critical Pedagogy.

Research Centres & Projects:

I am presently the PI equivalent on a consultancy-funded research project for the Council for World Mission (CWM) and their ‘Legacies of Slavery’ project. This project entails archive research of the London Missionary Society (LMS is the forerunner of CWM), exploring the society’s involved in enslavement and the nature of the compensation they received for giving up their enslaved persons. The Project seeks to provide a Black theology inspired hermeneutic of the legacies of slavery as it pertains to Christian Mission from within the purview of British expansion. The project’s budget is £150,000 over 3 years.


I am the Editor-in-chief of ‘Black Theology: An International Journal. I have held this role since September 2001. Further details on the journal can be found in the following link: - Black Theology: Vol 18, No 3 (


Twitter: @AnthonyGReddie 

Publications and Research Outputs:

An important comparatively recent text has been ‘Journeying to Justice’, for which I served as the Lead Editor (co-edited with Wale Hudson-Roberts and Gale Richards) and Project Leader. This book was published in 2017 (by Paternoster press) to mark the 10 anniversary of the apology from the Baptist Union of Great Britain and the Baptist Missionary Society to the Jamaica Baptist Union for the former’s involvement in slavery and colonialism. The book charts the history of anti-slavery struggle and the more contemporary movement for racial justice and equality within the British Baptist community. The book has become an important means by which this Christian tradition is seeking to explore its future trajectory an incusive and diverse body that is committed to racial justice and equity. 
More recently, my article ‘Reassessing the Inculcation of an Anti-Racist Ethic for Christian Ministry: From Racism Awareness to ]Deconstructing Whiteness’ in a special issue of the journal ‘Religions’ guest edited by Dr Dafydd Daniels of Oxford University. This article has become the template and intellectual resource enabling the Methodist church of Great Britain to address historic issues pertaining to White privilege and systemic racism within the life of the institution. 
Both of the aforementioned as important examples of the ‘impact’ of my research outputs over the past few years. 


Select Publications