Dr Oliver Keenan


I teach Systematic and Fundamental Theology at Blackfriars. In addition, as Director of the Aquinas Institute, I have responsibility for organising its annual programme of reading classes, seminars, lectures and colloquia, for hosting its visiting scholars, and for participating in its research, including collaborating with other research centres. I completed my DPhil in the Faculty, under the supervision of Prof. Graham Ward, with a thesis that developed a semantic ontology for Christian dogmatics in dialogue with the philosophy of Michael Polanyi.

Faculty Research Area(s): 

Historical & Systematic Theology; Philosophical Theology

Research Interests:

I maintain research interests across the nexus of systematic theology, but especially: theological method; Christology (in particular, the metaphysics of Jesus's humanity); Catholic receptions of Karl Barth; theological epistemology; and questions of fundamental ontology.

Research Centres & Projects:

I am the Principal Investigator for the project ‘Truth, Aquinas and the Theological Turn in Continental Philosophy’ (part of the Widening Horizons in Philosophical Theological programme).


Member of the Editorial Board of New Blackfriars.


academia.edu profile

Publications & Research Outputs:

‘Divine Antecedence and Pretemporal Election’, New Blackfriars. 98 (2017);

‘Theological Epistemology in Eckhart’s First Parisian Question’, Medieval Mystical Theology. 22.1 (2013): 27-44;

‘Sacrament of the Dynamic Transcendence of Christianity’: Cornelius Ernst on the Church, New Blackfriars. 94 (2013): pp. 396-414.