I am the Academic Dean at Cuddesdon, and am involved in the teaching and supervision of a range of topics in Christian doctrine and philosophical theology. Prior to this, I was Director of the Aquinas Institute at Blackfriars Hall. I have been involved with the Faculty for more than a decade, having completed my DPhil here under the supervision of Prof. Graham Ward. philosophy of Michael Polanyi.
Faculty Research Area(s):
Historical & Systematic Theology; Philosophical Theology
Research Interests:
I maintain research interests across the nexus of systematic theology, but especially: theological method; Christology (in particular, the metaphysics of Jesus's humanity); Catholic receptions of Karl Barth; theological epistemology; and questions of fundamental ontology.
Research Centres & Projects:
I was the Principal Investigator for the project ‘Truth, Aquinas and the Theological Turn in Continental Philosophy’ (part of the Widening Horizons in Philosophical Theological programme), 2021-2023.
Member of the Editorial Board of New Blackfriars.
Links: profile
Publications & Research Outputs:
Why Aquinas Matters (Bloomsbury, 2024).
‘Divine Antecedence and Pretemporal Election’, New Blackfriars. 98 (2017)
‘Theological Epistemology in Eckhart’s First Parisian Question’, Medieval Mystical Theology. 22.1 (2013): 27-44
‘Sacrament of the Dynamic Transcendence of Christianity’: Cornelius Ernst on the Church, New Blackfriars. 94 (2013): pp. 396-414.