Dr Anna Chrysostomides


D.Phil. University of Oxford
M.Phil. University of Oxford
M.A. Temple University
B.A. University of Mary Washington

Research Area(s):

History of Christianity

Study of Religions

Research Interests:

Muslim-Christian Relations, Syriac Christianity, Islamic History, Islamic Archaeology, Islamic Law, Christian Canon Law, Byzantine Studies, Monasticism, Gender and Islam, Gender and Eastern Christianity, Sexuality and Islam, Sexuality and Eastern Christianity.

Research Centres & Projects:

Sex and the Church Project.




There is no god but God’: Islamization and Religious Code Switching 8th-10th centuries CE, in Islamisation: Comparative Perspectives from History, ed. Andrew Peacock, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017, 118-133.
Creating a theology of icons in Umayyad Palestine: John of Damascus’ Three treatises on the divine images, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, October 2020.
‘There’s no Harm in it’: Muslim attendance of Christian festivals (700-900 CE), forthcoming in al-Masaq, May 2021.
John of Damascus’ Theology of Icons in the Context of Eighth-Century Palestinian Iconoclasm, forthcoming in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, November 2021.
Rhetorical Portrayals of Violence: a Comparative Study of Violent Scenes in Christian Neo-Martyr and Islamic Hadith Narratives (700-900 C.E.), forthcoming in Al-‘Usur al-Wusta: The Journal of Middle East Medievalists,  December 2021.