Oxford DPhil student becomes Editor-in-Chief of Zygon


It has been announced that Arthur Petersen, Professor of Science, Technology and Public Policy at University College London, will become the Editor-in-Chief of Zygon, the leading journal in the field of science and religion. Professor Peterson, an international authority on climate change, already has two doctorates in atmospheric physics and the philosophy of science. He is presently studying part-time for a DPhil in science and religion at Oxford under the supervision of Professor Alister McGrath, and is working on a book on uncertainty in science and theology. Professor Petersen has previously served as scientific adviser on environment and infrastructure policy for the Dutch Government. Professor McGrath warmly welcomed this appointment. “I am delighted that the high quality of research students within the Faculty of Theology and Religion is recognized and reflected in this significant appointment, which solidifies Oxford’s connections and influence in the field of science and religion.
