Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel - Radio 3 Documentary "Sir Isaac Newton and the Philosophers' Stone"

Dr Dafydd Daniel

Dr Dafydd Mills Daniel - Radio 3 Documentary "Sir Isaac Newton and the Philosophers' Stone


Sir Isaac Newton was not just a practising Christian, but an alchemist.

While developing his theory of gravity, a theory he thought made atheism impossible, he was staying up all night in his laboratory trying to turn ordinary metal into gold.

In this Radio 3 Documentary, Dafydd Mills Daniel explores Sir Isaac Newton's alchemic beliefs, and puts them in the context of both his Christian faith and his work as a scientist.

By interviewing Ard Louis (Professor of Theoretical Physics at Oxford) and Cassi Perry (a psychoanalyst and neo-Pagan), Dafydd asks why Newton combined Christianity, science, and the occult, and what he can teach us today about the supposed conflict between science and religion.

The historical Newton contrasts with the NONES. The increasing number of people who say they have no religious affiliation, not least because they think that science disproves religion